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Banking as a Service

Banking as a Service enables banks, financial institutions and companies to connect to Banca Sella's banking services via APIs provided by Fabrick.

SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT)

How can I search and check the status of current account movements?
What are the dates and times a SCT transfer can be carried out?
Is it possible to cancel a transfer made from a Banca Sella account?
How should the SCT order API be processed in the case of transfers to institutions based outside Italy?
What checks are carried out on the IBAN?
What happens if the IBAN entered is formally correct but does not correspond to a real IBAN?
What is the CreateDateTime parameter of a booked transfer?
When are the CRO and TRN fields of a credit transfer filled in?
Which characters are compatible when creating credit transfers (SCT - SEPA Credit Transfer) to be included in the parameters of the call?
Is it possible to set a limit on the amount of a transfer?
Is it possible to retrieve the DateTime data from the transaction history?
After finishing with testing in the Sandbox environment, what is needed to move to the Live environment?
Is it possible to perform an instant credit transfer in a sandbox environment?
Where can I find the documentation for managing transfers (Payments / Money Transfers)?
What is the maximum number of days after the entry date of a booked transfer?
When can a transfer be reversed?
Is it possible to extract transactions in the same order in which they are extracted for the generation of the PDF statement?
When can the Revert Money Transfer API be used?
What are the possible statuses of a transfer?
In response to the GET Money Transfer and POST Search Money Transfers APIs, why is the only data returned by the debtor object the name field?

SEPA Direct Debit (SDD)

What does the error ‘NO SEDA MANDATE’ from Internet Banking refer to and how can it be resolved?
What format should the paymentID of a mandate have?
What format should the mandateID of a mandate have?
Why can a payment first be in PAID state and then in REJECT status?
What format should the amount have?
Which creditorIban should be used in the pre-production environment?
In case of creating a mandate with a deadline beyond Friday, what happens in the sandbox?
Is it possible to cancel a mistakenly entered payment?
Why does the API respond with the error "SDD014" after creating a mandate?
How can you search for payment data, such as status updates?
Are there any constraints on the dueDate?
What does error "SDD007", "description": "related payment not found" mean in response to SearchPayments POST API?
Is it possible to perform an update of an existing mandate?
How do you recover creditorId and creditorIban?
How can you search for payments in bulk?
How can you search for mandates in bulk?
Why is the error "SDD950 - access forbidden - iban not configured for credito1rId:OMISSED" shown in response to creating a mandate?
What data can be found in the preproduction environment (sandbox)?
How can the dueDate be properly valued?
How can payment tests be carried out in a sandbox environment?
Is GC a correct transfer description?
What kind of mandates can be created?
Is it possible to see all mandates linked to a given creditorId via API?
How can the REJECT status of a payment be tested?
Where can I find errors related to the SEPA network?
Why is error "SDD011", "description": "creditorId:omissed mandateId:omissed" shown in response when creating a payment?
What format should the dueDate have?
Once a payment search is performed, why doesn't the API show all of them?
How can formal checks and the validity of an IBAN be carried out?
Why is "BANCA SELLA" often present in the parameter in response of the GET Payment API even though the default is from another institution?
Why does a payment result in a CORE type while the client is a FINANCIAN type?
Where can I find information about SEPA and its regulations?


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